donpaul130 Wrote: I Want a Woman! I am not a fan of big government. Nor am I a fan of the federal government getting involved with states’ rights. But hell, when an environmental disaster is involved and some company is abusing our precious world…step in, grab the reins, and get shi (More) |
donpaul130 Wrote: Therapy at Three Isn’t it funny how music can affect your life? Songs can produce laughter, tears, euphoria, as well as bring chill bumps to the most jaded and hard hearted of humans. I spent most of the early morning…and I mean way to damn early…going through yo (More) |
donpaul130 Wrote: What the Hell USA? What is up with sending an old man to my house for the US Census? Why could it not have been some cutey? No, he can not possess me. So the US decides to hire Grandpa Moses to walk around my apartment complex to get unreturned forms filled out. Now I (More) |
donpaul130 Wrote: Can We Talk? By definition pressure of speech is a tendency to speak rapidly and frenziedly, as if motivated by an urgency not apparent to the listener. Well, I call it running your mouth. Sometimes we all say more than we should, give too much information, o (More) |
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