Lyndon Evans Wrote: Cpl. Andrew Wilfahrt Served His Country Proudly But Only The Pentagon Cared He Was Gay There were days I hated being a reporter or news/sportscaster as that was when I had to report on tragedy or death. All these many years la (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: We Love Cindy McCain Why She’s The Greatest Thing Since Typhoid Mary .. Oh Good Grief And that's just about how LGBTs and their favorite zealot LGBT bloggers use to feel about Cindy McCain, showing as much love for the gal as they (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Lt. Dan Choi On Being Called A Media Whore .. Can You Imagine Such A Terrible Thing I take offense to the term "Media Whore." It is disrespectful to sex workers who deserve our support and advocacy. 6:50 PM Feb 2nd via Twitter for iPhone - Lt. (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: More Drama From DADT's Embarrassing Activist Lt Dan Choi ..... I'm Having A Colonoscopy So after I put up the previous posting for today I go to Facebook and what do I see but a FB posting from booted out former Lt Dan Choi who More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Will US Military Article 125 Be Used Against Gays And Lesbians When DADT Finally Ends For those who may have missed this as I did, recently the Washington Blade ran an More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Frank Kameny Has Been Putting On The Good Fight Against Discharging Gays For Decades From writer David Carter who is the author of "Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution" in a piece at More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: President Barack Obama Signs The Repeal Of DADT And Lt Dan Choi Gets His Ring Back President Barack Obama is ending the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that bars homosexuals from serving openly in the U.S. armed forces. The president has signed (More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: Gays in military: Do allies’ experiences matter? If not, then whose experiences would matter? What data could possibly be more acceptable than from real world, real time, empirical sources? It is time to stop this "faith" and "guessing" crap and go with the facts.More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: Top US officer surprised at Marine chief's dissent | News Story on 365gay.com Like all self-loathing, homophobic closet cases, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos, REALLY needs to stop projecting and transferring his own fears, incompetencies, and confusion to others and man the f*ck up. How can such a coward lead? More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: Gates, Obama urge repeal of military’s gay ban Now? They only now urge the repeal of DADT? Forget that they promised to do this when they were elected way back when? Forget that it was the right thing to do from the very beginning? Forget that the idiot Clinton should not have even brought it int (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: HOORAH Day For MSNBC Rachel Maddow Looks At DADT And Thomas Roberts Is Full-Time MSNBC hit the big one on Monday with a double boing for LGBTs.As was promoted Sunday, Maddow had on as guests four of the faces who truly speak (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Lt Dan Choi Enters Hospital For Breakdown Or Could It Be Just Another Publicity Stunt From Queerty, Dan Choi, (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Around The World They Watched Waited And Then Saw Don't Ask Don't Tell Repealed "I'm completely numb," was all the lieutenant could mutter.Across the world, other gay troops whose lives, careers and relationships have been indelibly (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: After Seventeen Years Of Discrimination Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Has Finally Been Repealed Dan Rather once said don't bet the baby's milk money on it just yet. If you had you'd still have the money to buy the milk.After seventeen very long years o (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Senate Approves To Take Vote On The Repeal Of Don't Ask Don't Tell .. One Step Closer “Gay, lesbian and bisexual service members posted around the world are standing a little taller today, but they’re still very much at risk because repeal is not (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Don't Ask Don't Tell .. Closer To The End And Repeal or Will It Never End .. ONCE AGAIN ! The House voted Wednesday to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that for 17 years has forced gays desiring to serve in the military to conceal their sexu (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: He Who Yells Gets The Headlines It can never be said that Washington, DC is a boring place particularly when LGBTs come to town.Last Thursday HRC held their rally with gay supporter Kathy Griffin at Freedom Plaza. Later Lt. Dan Choi and former Army Captain Jim Pietrangelo II st (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Choi’s Academy Award Performance By now many of you have heard of the great fasting by Lt. Dan Choi and others in protest of DADT.The videos which Choi is posting are a delight for the performance he is offering in his waning away as he fasts.AND PEOPLE ARE BUYING THE BULLSH (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Lt. Colonel Victor Fehrenbach Should Be The Face Of D.A.D.T. Not Lt. Dan Choi Lt. Dan Choi Kicked Out Of National GuardAccording to More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Lt. Dan Choi Is Out Of The US Military You can read what has transpired over the past couple of days including a statement from Choi by going More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Dan Choi Slaps Senator Harry Reid And “Other Friends” Right In The Kisser In an "exc (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: The End Of DADT Is In Sight … Gays And Lesbians Can Now Openly Join Military Service As Tom Diemer at Politics Daily More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: What You Get These Days For $10,000 … Lt Dan Choi … $$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching Ka-Ching Get your checkbook out boys and girls !"I've lost all respect for you as a gay- and human-rights activist," Nonnie Ouch, president of the Gay-S (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Hardball On MSNBC Ain’t For Amateurs As Lt. Dan Choi And Alex Nicholson Found Out So there they were exploring another 15 minutes of their fame. But this time they came to the wrong program where only the strong, coherent and well knowledged su (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: GetEqual Lt. Dan Choi And Others Use Sgt. Leonard Matlovich’s Gravesite For Photo Op In what is being described at Pam's House Blend as a "More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: President Barack Obama Has Spirited Reaction To Critical Press Inquiries Regarding DADT (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Senator Harry Reid And Republicans Fuck Up And Fuck Over Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal Well kids it didn't take me long tonight after getting in from work afte midnight to decide what to post about for Friday. Didn't even have to take a look at oth (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: The Arizona Daily Star Lays It On The Line For Senator John McCain .. Do The Right Thing We wish Sen. John McCain could have a little instructional sit-down with the late President Harry S. Truman about doing the right thing.Truman didn't mi (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: It's Time For John McCain And Others To Get Their Head Out Of Their Ass Over DADT To me, the issue seems to be not whether to allow gays to serve in the military, but whether to allow them to serve openly. But permitting them to serve, bu (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Don't Ask Don't Tell ... Don't Count The Chickens Or Bet The Baby's Milk Money Just Yet Yes, yes much news came on Tuesday about Don't Ask Don't Tell. In fact by now you may have even overdosed on the coverage, commentary and discussion you are like (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Don't Ask Don't Tell Hearings Scheduled For December With Gates And Mullen To Testify The Washington Blade has reported that he (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: No Military Discharges For Openly Gay Troops But Investigations Continue Says The SLDN Since new rules were put into effect October 21 by Defense Secretary Robert Gates where the three service secretaries have to sign off on dismissals of openly g (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Two Republican Senators Vow Support To Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell ... And So It Goes Well boys and girls we began the work week with DADT we may as well end it that way. As news was making it's way Thursday evening and as reported at the website (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Senator John McCain Wants New DADT Study On The Morale Of Troops Serving With Gays On Sunday's "Meet The Press" with David Gregory, Arizona Senator John McCain says he wants to see a study done on the morale of troops and serving with gays and (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: It's Time To Get Our Own Tanks And Show The Pentagon "Us Faggots Can Proudly Fight" I'm beginning to get motion sickness from the ups and downs of news in regards to Don't Ask Don't Tell.I mean one minute news about the Pentagon report where t (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Survey Shows Serving With Gays A Non-Issue According To The Rachel Maddow Show The infamous survey that the Pentagon is using in finding out about how troops would feel serving with out and proud gays and lesbians if Don't Ask Don't Tell w (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: President Barack Obama The Snake Oil Salesman Who Would Make PT Barnum Very Proud Even my patience has limits ! - Lyndon Evans(More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Don’t Ask Don’t Tell … We God-Fearing Americans Must Resist The Secularist Assault On US Happy Sunday boys and girls. You know there was a time I spent Sunday morning reading the funny papers. Now on occasion I take a gander (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips Orders Worldwide End To Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy In an article at the New York Times on Tuesda (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: "This Is A Big Frick'in Deal" Says Rachel Maddow About Reinstatement Of Witt To USAF “By reinstating Major Witt, a decorated Air Force nurse discharged under ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ another federal court has demonstrated once again that this di (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Is This Country Being Run By Assholes ? Just Ask John Stewart For His Honest Opinion The Daily Show W (More) |
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thesportsfag Wrote: Stream of Unconsciousness Stream of unconsciousness as I ponder the thought process of infielder Felipe Lopez who was released from the St. Louis Cardinals on Tuesday for what appears to (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: "Don't Ask Don't Tell" The Blame Game Bill Clinton vs Colin Powell & The Demos vs Repubs Former President Bill Clinton said that Colin Powell, who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during his administration, misrepresented how Don't (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Don't Ask Don't Tell ... We Regret To Inform You ....... (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Family Research Council "Let Faggots Serve Openly And Everyone Will Get AIDS" I have very rarely over the past three years of blogging put a spotlight on FRC and others of the same ilk as some other bloggers and websites do.Not that I'm (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Capt. Jonathan Hopkins Newest Victim Of DADT .. Lt. Col. Fehrenbach Sues Over Discharge Yet another example of losing our best and proud serving members of the military to DADT. President Obama are you watching ?Visit msnbc.com for More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Navy Petty Officer Testifies About DADT Andrew Harmon at The Advocate repo (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Is CNN Becoming FAUX News ? Pam Spaulding over at Pam's House Blend has a very interesting post in regards to an exchange between Pentagon reporter Barbara Starr and in-studio an (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: The Stupefying Idiocy Of DADT Recently Jeff Hawkes of the Intelligencer Journal (see Army Times) wrote about Army National Guard chaplain Aris Fokas, one of the (More) |