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Lyndon Evans Wrote: The Gay Rights Movement Was Begun In Germany According To US Scholar Robert Beachy While Germany has a horrendous history of persecution against gay men during World War II at the hands of the Nazis, American historian and scholar R (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Will Maryland Become Marryland For Same-Sex Couples Thomas Roberts Takes A Look The Maryland House of Delegates effectively killed a measure Friday that would legalize same-sex marriage in the state — halting momentum in a year in w (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Once Anti-Gay Poland Is Becoming So Progressive Being Anti-Gay Is Not Tolerated .. Maybe It wasn't that many years ago that to be gay or lesbian or any other member of the LGBT community spelt trouble and discrimination for many, even abuse du (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: A Look At The Mattachine Files – J Edgar Hoover And The FBI’s Homosexual Witch Hunt Our friend David Mixner wrote a posting on July 8 about the FBI files which were declassified a (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: ABC-TV Airs First Daytime Same-Sex Marriage … Just How Far Have We Come Since Then When last we visited "These Are The Days Of Our Beans" ... oops sorry kids wrong soap opera .. ahem .. it's been two years last month since ABC-TV's (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Claims Of Being Anti-LGBT Is Ploy By Unions And Activists To Keep Walmart Out Of NYC Between my bio and various postings on this blog and its predecessor at CT Media/Hearst newspapers my personal life has been very much an open book in order t (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: That Dumb Ass Bastard Mike Huckabee Calls Gay Parenthood An Experiment That Will Fail (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Gay Porn Actor Michael Lucas Threatens LGBT Center Over Israeli Apartheid Sponsorship Porn actor Michael Lucas has theatened the LGBT Center in NYC.From More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Why Staying In The Closet Can Mean The Difference Between Life Or Death For Journalists Dubai, UAE - The body of freelance journalist Thomas White was found dumped on a city street in Dubai early Saturday morning after he was reported by colleague (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Civil Unions In Hawaii Move On To The Governor And Prop 8 Continues On Again And Again No commentary here kids just the facts short and sweet.Hawaii lawmakers approved a bill Wednesday to allow civil unions for same-sex couples, marking an (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Celebrating Valentine's Day With News Of Same-Sex Marriage And Civil Unions In UK & HI February has been a good month for some gays and lesbians in regards to same-sex marriage and civil unions. This past week news came from Hawaii that civil un (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: As Moses Said To Pharaoh “Let My People Go” Mubarak Steps Down And Egypt Celebrates This 57 year old has seen alot in his lifetime when it comes to change and what can happen when The People speak out but what we are seeing today (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Gay Minorites Look To Become Inclusive During The Creating Change Conference For LGBTs From the StarTribune, Kevin Xiong of St. Paul helped found the first and only organizati (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: The Daily Star Steps Up To The Plate And Says It's Time To Approve Gay Marriage In NY On Friday The Daily Star wrote an editorial which says it's time for same-sex marriage to be approved in the state of New York.Here's part of the More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Legislators Tell Gays And Lesbians To Go To The Back Of The Bus By Banning Marriage In 2009 the Iowa Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage.Two years later the Iowa House voted to ban same-sex marriage.A constitutional ban on gay (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: If You're Not Gay Enough Forget About Getting Political Asylum In The Good Ole US of Ass So before going into work Saturday afternoon I read real quick, as in seconds, an article at EDGE about folks who are considered not "gay enough" to receive pol (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: These Are The Days Of Our Beans Spaulding's Relentless Displeasure With Joe Solmonese As was briefly mentioned in our first visit to Beansville in Episode One of More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Is South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham Going To Be Outed By Mike Rogers As regular readers know my position on outing regardless of who they are doesn't preclude this journalist to self-censor what I decide to post on this blog (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Frank Kameny Has Been Putting On The Good Fight Against Discharging Gays For Decades From writer David Carter who is the author of "Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay Revolution" in a piece at More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: OMFG De Figgits Now Have A War Room ... You Gotta Love It ... Look Out FOX .. HOORAH ! Just on the heels of the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell comes word from the More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: President Barack Obama Signs The Repeal Of DADT And Lt Dan Choi Gets His Ring Back President Barack Obama is ending the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that bars homosexuals from serving openly in the U.S. armed forces. The president has signed (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Around The World They Watched Waited And Then Saw Don't Ask Don't Tell Repealed "I'm completely numb," was all the lieutenant could mutter.Across the world, other gay troops whose lives, careers and relationships have been indelibly (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: After Seventeen Years Of Discrimination Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Has Finally Been Repealed Dan Rather once said don't bet the baby's milk money on it just yet. If you had you'd still have the money to buy the milk.After seventeen very long years o (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: What You Get These Days For $10,000 … Lt Dan Choi … $$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching Ka-Ching Get your checkbook out boys and girls !"I've lost all respect for you as a gay- and human-rights activist," Nonnie Ouch, president of the Gay-S (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Hardball On MSNBC Ain’t For Amateurs As Lt. Dan Choi And Alex Nicholson Found Out So there they were exploring another 15 minutes of their fame. But this time they came to the wrong program where only the strong, coherent and well knowledged su (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: GetEqual Lt. Dan Choi And Others Use Sgt. Leonard Matlovich’s Gravesite For Photo Op In what is being described at Pam's House Blend as a "More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: President Barack Obama Has Spirited Reaction To Critical Press Inquiries Regarding DADT (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Conservatives Up In Arms Over Mapplethorpe Like Exhibit At The Smithsonian Institution Not since the early 1990's when photographer (pictured left in a self-portrait) More) |
jasebrighton Wrote: America Legalises Sexual Abuse There's shock and wonder as the strange news sweeps the world that the government has legalised sexual molestation in America!Yes, you can now legally be sexually molested in the States, it matters not if you are 13 or 30, male or female, bl (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Internet Users Go To The LGBT Newscenter For Election Night Coverage From CBS News With little fanfare other than a couple of mentions on Facebook and a link in a political posting here on Focus On The Rainbow on Tuesday, Goggle Analytics s (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Senator John McCain Wants New DADT Study On The Morale Of Troops Serving With Gays On Sunday's "Meet The Press" with David Gregory, Arizona Senator John McCain says he wants to see a study done on the morale of troops and serving with gays and (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: It's Time To Get Our Own Tanks And Show The Pentagon "Us Faggots Can Proudly Fight" I'm beginning to get motion sickness from the ups and downs of news in regards to Don't Ask Don't Tell.I mean one minute news about the Pentagon report where t (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Okay NBC and MSNBC You Made Your Point Now Put Keith Olbermann Back On The Air When I first read about this the other night after getting in from work and getting my email subscription to Mediaite I couldn't believe this nonsense abou (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Assistant DA Andrew Shrivell Creator Of "Chris Armstrong Watch" Makes "Moron Watch" Anderson Cooper got back into LGBT mode (unlike the other day dropping the More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Election Night 2010 The WTF Night Which Will Live In Infamy For President Barack Obama For those who aren't regular readers of this blog and writer I need to give you a little background on myself before the commentary below.Back in the late 70's (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: 'It's The Economy Stupid !" Obama And Democrats Get A Wakeup Call For 2012 Elections While votes are still being counted and some races still to close to call this writer has seen enough of tonight's (More) |
jasebrighton Wrote: A Brit's View Of The American Midterm Elections There’s only a matter of hours to go in this hotly contested midterm elections across America and who knows what the outcome is really going to be, but at least one thing is certain, the commercials will go back to normal! I’m shocked at the (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: An Open Letter From Barney Frank Tammy Baldwin And Jared Polis .... Elections Do Matter An open letter to the LGBT CommunityDear Friends,Elections matter.Yes, we’ve all heard that simple phrase before – but so often we forget it. And a (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: We're Mad As Hell And Not Going To Take It Anymore Say LGBTs .. The Honeymoon Is Over If Democratic candidates are counting on long-standing support from gay voters to help stave off big losses on Nov. 2, they could be in for a surprise.Acr (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: The Barney Frank Shuffle ... OMFG How I Love The Political Season .. Boogie Down Barney While I'm sure over the weekend there will be LGBT bloggers expressing outrage over this political spot against LGBT beloved Barney Frank, but frankly my dear (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Well Kiss My Blarney Stone .. Could David Norris Be Ireland's First Openly Gay President ? I unabashedly like this fellow after reading some articles and watching a few videos. But then what's not to like about a happy Irishman who also h (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Andrew Sullivan Has Been Dishing It Out Now For Ten Years On The Daily Dish Andrew Sullivan, love him or hate him, he has a lot to say about politics, life, being gay and more. Now in his tenth year of dishing it out on (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Perez Hilton Withraws His Support Of Obama ... Big Fucking Whoop ! Today's Moron Watch I really need to stop reading my email. Today we learn from More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: How Will Republicans Deal With Growing Gay Rights Issues And Equality ? From an article at The Chris (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: "Don't Ask Don't Tell" The Blame Game Bill Clinton vs Colin Powell & The Demos vs Repubs Former President Bill Clinton said that Colin Powell, who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during his administration, misrepresented how Don't (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Linda McMahon's New Nightmare For those of you who don't live in Connecticut (you're lucky) and who don't have to worry about the prospects of Linda McMahon becoming your elected Senator this fall (you're luckier !) comes news that the widow of former WWE wrestler Owen Hart is (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: WWE's Linda McMahon Wins Connecticut GOP Primary Senate Race ... It's Time To Move ! Oh good grief !!!! Linda (More) |
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omgitsrfb Wrote: Palin and MoveOn cut from same cloth I write a crappy little blog for my friends and family to read, if others read it...well, that's nice, but I'm not writing for the masses or any constituency. The amazing thing about living in this age is the incredible amount of information at our (More) |
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omgitsrfb Wrote: And I Thought Texas Was Ass Backwards Check out this dude running for 'Gubenor of Tenese':(More) |
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