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Mobile friendly blogs? Done!
What’s that? You wish your blog was mobile friendly?
OK, presto it’s done!
Don’t believe me? Well mosey on over to your blog from any mobile device and check it out. For reals? Yes, for reals.
You may notice the menu button is somewhat obscured and the real estate at the top is all bunched together from the admin bar across the top of the community, but we’re working to fix that.
Note: The default setting are swell and already activated for you blog, so there’s no need to do any customization.
But, if you’re the adventurous type then customize the appearance of your mobile user experience from your Dashboard -> Settings -> WPTouch
Once there you can customize many settings including your mobile blog’s site title, what categories are displayed in the menu, whether or not to use calendar icons or thumbnail images for your post display. There’s even an option to earn money using your AdSsense ID.
WordPress Thriving, Is It Curtains For TypePad? is reporting blogging pioneer’s parent company Six Apart has been acquired by VideoEgg, a video ad networking company.
Yet another sign of TypePad’s demise? Well apparently so according to the latest reader survey of bloggers’ preferences in which an overwhelming majority prefer WordPress to Typepad as a blogging platform.
What’s not so clear right now is what will TypePad evolve into? The smart guys at opine:
SAY Media says that it will continue to support Movable Type and TypePad, but forgive us if we’re skeptical that will last. The new entity is clearly focused on building out a new-age advertising network, not on building out a blogging platform to compete with WordPress or Tumblr.
From what we’ve seen before, we bet it won’t take long for resources to be allocated towards the advertising network and away from Movable Type. It will be the beginning of the degradation of a platform that has already lost much of its relevance, despite hosting The Huffington Post and major blogs from ABC, the BBC and others.
The good news is that WordPress, the blogging platform for, is clearly the consumer’s choice and is not going anywhere for a long time.
In light of Blogger’s recent treatment of gay themed blogs and the demise of TypePad, is there anything out there better than WordPress for GLBT bloggers?
So tell all of your gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender blogging buddies to skooch on over to the only open, free to join, gay blogging community on the web.
Site Wide Posts and Activity Feed
Ever wonder how you can keep up with what’s happening on Sure we’ve made it easy to make friends and check out their blogs, groups or to see what they’re commenting on, but what about everyone else?
To help fulfill all of your sick voyeuristic fantasies we created a little simpleness we’ll call the Site Wide Posts and Site Wide Activity Feeds.
Site Wide Posts Feed
No gimmicks here, it’s just what it sounds like: all of the posts from the entire site for the last 24 hours.
Available by RSS Feed, where it’s updated with each new published post, or delivered once daily by email.
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Site Wide Activity Feed
The Site Wide Activity Feed is only for the big, strong OutLoudBlogger. This feed contains every bit of activity (posts, friend’s connections, groups created or updated, comments left by members, etc…) for the past 24 hours.
Also, available by RSS Feed, where it’s updated with each new published post, or delivered once daily by email.
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No reason to hurry. You can subscribe at any time using the links (pictured below) at the bottom right of our home page.
Enjoy and no stalking!