From my own personal perspective there has always been a certain amount of distrust or even envy as far as I’m concerned as far as gay men go who will argue until they are lavender in the face that...Find out more
It’s really simple: I take the 64 hottest male athletes known to man and you vote until we crown a winner....Find out more
It would have been unthinkable a couple of years ago, but British soap operas are going through a bit of a battle at the moment, in a battle for who can deliver the best and most gay storyline!...Find out more
Writing has always been my dream and being able to use the rewards of writing to help in achieving equality throughout this world just makes it that much more enjoyable....Find out more
It was a week ago today in the Kandahar province of Afghanistan that Cpl. Andrew Wilfahrt age 31 was killed during an attack on his unit by insurgents with an IED. Wilfahrt was from Rosemount,...Find out more
That’s the thing I learned from the whole experience, I think: it’s all a question of what someone needs at the time. Different people have different needs. ... Find out more