Kill SPAM dead

Apr 19th, 20101 Comment

Our apologies to Hormel, but SPAM sucks. Of course, we’re not really talking about the delicious mystery meat many of us were forced to endure in everything from eggs to ice cream, thanks mom. No we’re talking about blog comment spam.

It seems as soon as Al Gore invented the internet, someone created blog spam. What? Al Gore didn’t….oh well you get the point, spammers are the bane of every blog’s existence. But not here on OutLoudBlogs baby! That’s right we’ve got the tools to keep those spamholes (made up word) away from your blog.

Each OutLoudBlog comes with two lines of defense in the ongoing war on SPAM. Both Typepad’s Anti-Spam and WP-SpamFree plugins are installed and automatically working to block SPAM before it reaches your comment moderation queue or inbox.

Activate and Configure WP-SpamFree
WP-SpamFree should be activated with all new blogs, but check it to make sure.

  1. Activate and configure WP-SpamFree plugin just like you would any other plugin.
  2. From your dashboard, select the plugins menu on the left side of your dashboard.


  3. Select installed.
  4. Find WP-SpamFree in the list.


    • If you see ‘Activate’ underneath WP-SpamFree in the list then you need to click activate.
    • If you see ‘Deactivate’ underneath WP-SpamFree in the list then it’s already activated.
  5. Once activated, select the settings menu on the left side of your dashboard and select WP-SpamFree.


  6. With one small exception, the default options are good. For some weird reason the default setting may have the ‘Allow Users Behind Proxy Servers To Comment’ box checked, you will want to uncheck this box cause spammers love to hide behind proxy servers.


  7. Click ‘Update Options’ and you’re done!
  8. There’s a ton more options for the more advanced user, but if you just want spam comments blocked, then you’re done.
  9. This plugin also creates the default blogs comment form, for instructions on how to set up a contact form for your blog click here.

That’s it no more SPAM milk shakes for you and no annoying CAPTCHA boxes or questions for potential commenters to answer. There’s a ton more info about this plugin and SPAM in general on the WP-SpamFree settings page.

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