Lyndon Evans Wrote: Losing A Rainbow Ally …. What Keith Olbermann Has Meant To Us The LGBT Community
Much has already been written, pundits have spoke and speculation runs wild as to why Keith Olbermann suddenly left MSNBC on Friday evening. For this w (More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Imus Calls Maddow A Coward Gutless Sniveling Worm For Not Sticking Up For Olbermann
Oh dear boys and girls, what's a parent to do when one of his beloved children is calling another one names ?  Just how do you take sides ? In (More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Good Night Sweet Prince We Knew You Well Keith Olbermann Leaves MSNBC .. Good Grief !
Say it ain't so Joe (no NOT that one) say it ain't so ! Well the long and short of it ... very short .. MSNBC said in a statement that MSNBC has ended i (More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: GetEqual Lt. Dan Choi And Others Use Sgt. Leonard Matlovich’s Gravesite For Photo Op
In what is being described at Pam's House Blend as a "More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: President Barack Obama Has Spirited Reaction To Critical Press Inquiries Regarding DADT
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Focus On The Rainbow Invites You To Focus On The Rainbow At Facebook With Articles
Earlier this week I setup a new Facebook page for Focus On The Rainbow, this in addition to the one already available in Facebook's More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: We Love Cindy McCain Why She’s The Greatest Thing Since Typhoid Mary .. Oh Good Grief
And that's just about how LGBTs and their favorite zealot LGBT bloggers use to feel about Cindy McCain, showing as much love for the gal as they (More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Okay NBC and MSNBC You Made Your Point Now Put Keith Olbermann Back On The Air
When I first read about this the other night after getting in from work and getting my email subscription to Mediaite I couldn't believe this nonsense abou (More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Carl Paladino The Guberitorial Tea Baggers And Republican Gift To New York Democrats
There have and are any number of dumbbuggeries which the Republicans have put up for election from George Dubya to Sarah Palin to "I am not a witch" Christine O' (More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Women Sports Reporters … You Knew This Was Going To Happen Eventually
I can remember a time when it was unthinkable to see or hear of a female sports reporter much less standing next to one in a locker room inte (More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: How Does Same-Sex Marriage Directly Affect Your Marriage ? The Question Never Answered
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. It says all, not some, not the chosen (More)