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Gay Writers

Public Group active 5 days, 14 hours ago

For those of us who like to write. Whether fiction or non-fiction, gay themed or other, we love to pick up a pen (or sit at the keyboard) and see what comes out.

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    joseph c. knudson posted an update in the group Gay Writers:   5 days, 14 hours ago · View

    I’m sure you know about the ”It Gets Better Project”; we all need to do whatever we can to show youths, teens, young and old adults alike, THAT IT DOES GET BETTER! I joined the project in order that I can help spread that word. Part of my spreading the word is to get my latest book release into the proper hands as it’s the story of my life and it would show anyone out there that it definitely does get better! I posted my story synopsis with them in hopes my book can get to those who really need some encouragement; I even offered to any youth or teen, who viewed my story synopsis on that site, to contact me directly if they need assistance in getting my book free! The following is a recent press release that will tell you a little more about what I’m trying to accomplish:

    Espresso House Publishing has recently released a highly anticipated book from Oklahoma City author J. C. Knudson, LIVING THE DIFFERENCE: an enlightening story revealed for people of all ages straight or gay! With all the news coverage recently on gay rights, teen suicides, and the mid-term elections, this is a MUST READ BOOK NOW! Great reviews to date. Additional details can be found at the links below:


    Knudson is using the book as a vehicle to educate society on homosexuality using a more personal approach. An Oklahoma City resident of 30+ years, Knudson is concerned over the remarks of Sally Kern, an Oklahoma legislator known for her outspoken stance against gays and homosexuality; the obvious ignorance on the issue of homosexuality, shown by her remarks, is just one example of why this education is so vitally important. He is a firm believer that an educated society is definitely a more accepting and understanding society and along with that will eventually follow equality for all on many issues. Readers are coming away with a more personal understanding of homosexuality, along with an inquisitive yearning for more information. THIS MAY BE THE WAY TO GO IN ACHIEVING UNIVERSAL UNDERSTANDING AND ACCEPTANCE THAT THERE REALLY ARE TWO PREDETERMINED TRAITS OF SEXUAL PREFERENCE AMONG ALL HUMAN BEINGS! Conformity to the more widely known and understood preference, heterosexuality, has just been demanded and expected of everyone from the beginning of time. The world has evolved into a more demanding and argumentative society than many of our older and past philosophers and nonphilosophers alike ever thought possible or even probable; many archaic beliefs are finally getting the dusting they deserve to reveal a whole new set of circumstances! THIS IS THE WAY IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN; IT’S JUST NEVER BEEN A PRESSING PRIORITY TO GET THAT INFORMATION IN FRONT OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC IN ORDER THAT SOCIETY BE TRULY EDUCATED ON A TOPIC SO MISUNDERSTOOD. THE TIME IS NOW AND THE IGNORANCE WILL STOP!

    Please help me in whatever way you can to get this ignorance stopped once and for all! Whatever methods or distribution channels you may have available in helping me with this process would be greatly appreciated. I devoted the final chapter in my book to enlisting the help of every individual willing to help with this education, as well as listing numerous ways this can be done! Please let me know if you need anything from me at all prior to taking any action!

    J.C. (Joe) Knudson

    Friday, November 12, 2010
    Book Review
    The following is a book review I just received from Jessica Arent, CEO at PROMESA and Director of Marketing for Riazul.

    ”Poignant and inspiring, LIVING THE DIFFERENCE is an extraordinary if not courageous survival story of the modern age. Conquering the final frontier of bigotry and prejudice to live a life in authenticity, the author compels his reader to search his soul for his social responsibility and stand up for an extraordinary modern movement of equality. In this stirring novel, the author offers a new perspective initiating a paradigm shift in what we think we know and understand, and what truly is. An amazingly rich piece of literature, and a MUST READ in these tumultuous times of the right to live in genuine authenticity and recognition of equality for all mankind. ”

    J.J. Thomas said…
    J.C. Knudson has done an amazing and outstanding job in his literary debut. It’s a work filled with love, hate, joy, sorrow, and much more. Knudson takes us on a tour of his life that is filled with life-changing events that will keep you reading through the night. This is an excellent source for anyone wanting to learn about homosexuals and their many conflicts in society. It inspires liberation for anyone struggling with their identity or that of a loved one. This book joins others on the path for equal rights for homosexuals and other minority groups. Knudson is truly ”living the difference”.
    November 21, 2010 5:47 AM

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    joseph c. knudson joined the group Gay Writers   5 days, 14 hours ago · View

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    Lyndon Evans joined the group Gay Writers   5 days, 22 hours ago · View

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    JarredH created the group Gay Writers   1 week ago · View

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