
Archive for April, 2010 ↓

Let readers contact you

Creating a Contact Page There’s no way around it, once readers find your blog they will want a simple way to contact you. You could simply put your email address on a contact page, but unless you want to read through pages of Viagra and porn ads we wouldn’t recommend that. A simple and easy [...]

Kill SPAM dead

Our apologies to Hormel, but SPAM sucks. Of course, we’re not really talking about the delicious mystery meat many of us were forced to endure in everything from eggs to ice cream, thanks mom. No we’re talking about blog comment spam. It seems as soon as Al Gore invented the internet, someone created blog spam. [...]

Visual toolbar adds color and style

“So how do I make my fonts a different color or make text bold within my blog posts?” After someone starts blogging, that question comes faster than….i don’t know, than that person who comes fast. I can’t be witty all the time. Visual toolbar We’ve all used Microsoft Word before, right? If you haven’t, good [...]

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