omgitsrfb Wrote: The Black vs Gay Comparison
Denial of basic civil rights, whether it's based on race or orientation, is discrimination. By its very definition, discrimination doesn't lend itself to relative terms, something is either discriminatory in its distinction of a group or its not. (More)
omgitsrfb Wrote: Terriers Fundraiser
I'm in the midst of a 3-week span that requires Sunday devotion to lazy man's baseball (softball). I love my team and I love playing softball. Sure we get on each other's nerves and their are lots of strong personalities but at the end of the (More)
omgitsrfb Wrote: Stick it Farmville
I'm an all-or-nothing kind of guy, meaning when I decide to do something, I'm all in. This mostly explains why I don't go out much anymore; cause I can't do just a few drinks, or whatever, without staying out until 2 or 3 AM. It also explains w (More)
omgitsrfb Wrote: My new mohawk
My hair has been just a lil out of control lately and instead of getting in cut in the normal middle-aged, gay Caeser style I decided to have fun last night. No, I didn't (More)