Lyndon Evans Wrote: We Will Not Bake Rainbow Cupcakes For A Bunch Of Faggots .. It's Against Our Values
Now that's not what was said exactly but in so many words the outcome is the same as several LGBT blogs and websites have now picked up on this homop (More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Okie Homophobe Says NO PRIDE !
  J. Brian Walters serves on the City’s Finance Committee, Public Property Authority, Municipal Facilities Authority, Judiciary Committee, and Environmental Assistance Trust. He is dedicated to serving the residents of Ward 5. Walters works (More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: There Ain't No Gay In My Dicktionhairy !
Congressman Ike Skelton U.S. House of Representatives 2206 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515-2504 Telephone: 202-225-2876 Fax: 202-225-2695 More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: "No Military For Limp Wristed Homos"
Yuma, AZ City Hall Mayor Alan L. Krieger  [email protected] (More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Congressman Etheridge Manhandles Student
In case you were wondering, Congressman (NC-D) Bob Etheridge is no big friend to LGBTs as his voting record shows. Voted YES for prohibiting job discrim (More)
Lyndon Evans Wrote: McDonald's Gay Ad Will Never Play In US
McDonald's Operations Chief Don Thompson in an article at the Chicago Tribune. (More)