We, with the help of our friends at Brettrospective Media, have been hard at work designing our logo, color scheme and overall look and feel of OutLOudBlogs.com. Imagine the pressure of trying to please the entire GLBT community with our blog design. We decided that simple and clean is best, we know you’re gonna love the new look, and if you don’t, mind your own business. Just kidding of course.

OutLoudBlogs.com logo

OutLoudBlogs.com Logo

OutLoudBlogs.com Logo

OutLoudBlogs.com color scheme
As you can see from the logo, black, blue and white will be the primary colors but we will also include a couple of differing complementary shades of gray, or grey.

Anyways, play around and give us your thoughts.

Your Customer Dream Team at OutLoudBlogs.com

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