Wide Receiver Wrote: Athlete Ally: Rugger Ben Cohen Pitching for Acceptance Gay Icon Ben Cohen Preps for May U.S. Tour More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: YouTube - We Give a Damn about Sports (More) |
thesportsfag Wrote: You're An Asshat When... Asshat, as defined by the urban dictionary, is one who has their head up their ass, or a person, of either gender, whose behavior displays such ignorance/obnoxiousness that you would (More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: Ben Cohen Official Fan Site - Message from the Cohens Ben Cohen Official Fan Site - Message from the Cohens"An important message from THE COHENS. Ben [Cohen, one of our best allies] joins Talk Show Host Andy Cohen in the Watch What Happens Live studio."via More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: Out For The Long Run Trailer Just a preview of the new documentary film that features the stories of openly gay student athletes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHqbgu-B_cA (More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: Sooo, Troy Aikman and his beard, err ... I mean, wife are separated. Maybe after the divorce he will finally come out of the frakken closet, quite Faux Sports, and actually do some real good for a change, like speaking out against homophobia in sports, pro or otherwise.If he didn't want people to find out that he (More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: Athlete Ally | athleteally's YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/athleteally The Athlete Ally™ Youtube Channel features video initiatives by www.athleteally.com. Current initiatives include: (More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: THE ATHLETE ALLY: EMPOWERING A NEW ERA OF LEADERSHIP AND INCLUSION IN SPORTS By Hudson Taylor (with co-author Judy Block), of The Athlete Ally Hudson is bringing his message of respect and inclusion to every reader committed to the up-standing spirit of athletics. The book-in-progress is an inspiring, hands-on guide for thos (More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: Devote Campaign Allies Scott Fujita and Hudson Taylor, and others Devote Campaign | Equality. It's personal. http://devotecampaign.com/ (More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: Athlete Ally The website: Athlete Ally http://www.athleteally.com/ On Twitter: @athleteally http://twitter.com/HHudsonTaylor On Facebook: Athete Ally More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: Check Out Checkum-Nakkid Celebrities http://www.competenetwork.com/blogs/340-check-out-checkum-nakkid-celebrities (More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: College Football Hotties of 2010 – No. 1 Ryan Van Rensburg See him ... see them all, collect the set :-)http://thesportsfag.com/2010/12/09/college-football-hotties-of-2010-no-1-ryan-van-rensburgMore) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: Ruggers strip to show their inner gears http://outsports.com/jocktalkblog/2009/02/05/ruggers-strip-to-show-their-inner-gears/ (More) |
Wide Receiver Wrote: GQ Posts Great Piece on the NHL and the Courageous Burke Family http://www.facebook.com/notes/towleroad/gq-posts-great-piece-on-the-nhl-and-the-courageous-burke-family/464485966055 (More) |
thesportsfag Wrote: What's a 'Fan Nation'? On a growing list of overused and under-deserved sports cliches, no single cliche chaps my ass more than when schools, players or fans over inflate their team's importance by attaching 'nation' after the team's mascot.The latest examples of this ph (More) |
thesportsfag Wrote: Casting Call, LOGO’s Looking For Positive Gay Athletes LOGO is casting to find 3 charismatic, healthy, fit, and active HIV+ athletes (amateurs to professionals) from a variety of fields (soccer, dance, rugby, gymnastics, swimming, dodgeball, ice hockey, track & field, etc) to star in a PSA series. (More) |
thesportsfag Wrote: Sports Loyalty and Personal Values It's something I've been thinking about before the football season started: How do I justify my sports loyalties when they conflict with my personal values? So this morning when I got this tweet from a fellow Auburn fan and follower I decided it was (More) |
thesportsfag Wrote: Diversity’s Next Frontier A few moments ago, I posted the following on my MLBlog The Heirloom. I wanted to rebroadcast this on SportsFags because it is important to challenge the notion of our love for the game of baseball. To do so a (More) |