thesportsfag Wrote: Miller angers quick to anger gays with new ad
It's amazingly ridiculous how we, as gay men, create and foster so many hurtful stereotypes within our very own community, but lash out at others who make fun of (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: March Madness is getting madder
How do you take the greatness of March Madness and make it greater? Put more games on TV.The dearth of live NCAA tourney games is no longer an issue tha (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: Super Bowl XLV Commercials (Videos)
Super Bowl Sunday commercial schedule from pre-game to Glee, with video for some.   Promise me you won't be the asshat in the back of the room spoiling the ending for everyone else. (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: Ben Roethlisberger skates by at media day
[caption id="attachment_11011" align="alignright" width="325" caption="Ben skates by at media day"][/caption]We haven't heard much from the formerly gregarious, fun (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: Doritos Gay Super Bowl Ads
Don't let the title of this post fool you into thinking Doritos is planning to air a gay-themed commercial during the Super Bowl. Rather, as part of Doritos' 'More)
thesportsfag Wrote: Hudson Taylor On The Locker Room
[caption id="attachment_10818" align="alignright" width="353" caption="Hudson Taylor (photo/Danielle Hobeika)"][/caption]Hudson Taylor, a former three-time All-Ame (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: Jim Cornelison Tears It Up
Something I don't often get to see anymore on TV before any game is the singing of our National Anthem. However, being aware of Chicago-legend Jim Cornelison's previous renditions of our nation's song, I was on the look out for the video on YouTube (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: Defense GIRL!!!!
A report today from Bloomberg brings to light something we've all known for years: we gay men love ou (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: My Advice For Steve Buckley
While the repeal of DADT gradually fades in the rearview mirror of our memories, sports, specifically men's collegiate and professional team sports, reluctantly assumes the moniker of being our last great homophobic cultural institution.[caption (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: Who Rules The Bowl Ratings?
Darren Everson of the Wall Street Journal used bowl ratings since 1998 to determine which of the major college conference universities are the most popular TV dr (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: Hey ESPN, FavreWatch Sucks
The Ever Self Promoting Network (ESPN) has it's sights set on Brett Favre and they will not let go. Hey ESPN, No More FavreWatch. Favre is done, washed up and he was never cute enough for me to follow.I get it, I get it, Favre was a Hall of Fame (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: MTV Looking for Gay Athletes
Even though I'm a gay man, I'm not much of a gay activist. I realize that sports, my area of expertise, is probably the most homophobic institution left in America. That's why when I saw this MTV story idea for their Tru Life documentary/series I (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: Movie Review: The Blind Side
I was able to go to a special screening of The Blind Side last night and it is an amazing movie of an even more amazing story. The story deals with how the borderline illiterate Michael Oher and the uber well-to-do Touhy Family meet and become a fami (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: ESPN Hypocrisy
It must be hard getting it right 100% of the time especially when you've got so much live programming but I almost screamed this morning when ESPN tried to distance itself from glorifying hard football hits that lead to concussions.While rolling on (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: CBS Rejects Gay Dating Site Ad for Super Bowl
Today a CBS spokesman informed representatives of the gay dating site that their Super Bowl ad space is sold out and therefore they will not be able to air the gay dating sites' 30-second $2.5M ad.CO (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: ESPN Pulls LeBron James Story
In the wake of ESPN's ombudsman's severe critique of th (More)
thesportsfag Wrote: ESPN and CBS Fuck Up The Roethlisberger Interviews
This past weekend both ESPN and CBS assigned former Pittsburgh Steelers to interview Ben Roethlisberger about his return to football after a four-game suspension for 'allegedly' assaulting a female college student in Georgia earlier this year.More)
thesportsfag Wrote: Proof That Nike Just Wants To Sell Shoes?
I'm going to try not being obvious man here but the latest Nike ad chaps my ass for one reason:  Nike will jump on any controversy to try and sell shoes.   Don't get me wrong I get it and I'm as guilty of it as anyone else.The ad is off the chain (More)