Lyndon Evans Wrote: Umpire Bob Davidson Ejects Fan For Homophobic Slur And Gets Flack Instead Of Praise This past Tuesday during the Milwaukee Brewers and St. Louis Cardinals game veteran NL umpire Bob Davidson stepped up to the plate and tossed an inebriated fa (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Be Careful What You Tweet .. Jaguar Dumps Aussie Swimmer Stephanie Rice Automaker Jaguar is none to happy with Stephanie Rice's use of the word faggot in a recent Tweet on her Twitter. Ever wonder why Twitter is ca (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Are Gay Parents Like Elton John And David Furnish Socially Unacceptable To The Public Remember (how can you forget) that dumbass bastard at that store which put up a cover shield to cover up the cover photo of Elton John and David Furnish ho (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: That Dumb Ass Bastard Mike Huckabee Calls Gay Parenthood An Experiment That Will Fail (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: "If You Sit Next To Me I'm Going To Kick Your Ass" An Experiment With An HIV+ T-Shirt My blogging buddy CROWOLF conducted a little experiment wearing a T-shirt (not the one pictured) which reads "HIV Positive" (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Anderson Cooper Tells Dr. Laura Schlessinger Good God Enough With The Whining Already I didn't happen to watch AC when this took place but More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: I’ll Take My Coffee Extra Large Extra Extra Light With Three Sugars And God On The Side Well we've talk alot about beans these past few days but I never can get enough coffee boys and girls so here's a story in the event you haven't heard about it (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Peter LaBarbera And His Incessant Homoerotic Love Affair With Joe Jervis Of Joe My God There are times when this kid is glad he doesn't get lumped into the over used expression of "progressive LGBT bloggers" for a) I don't like country clubs (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: If It Walks Like A Duck And Sounds Like A Duck Well Brother FRC Is Definitely A Duck So Tony Perkins at the Family Research Council is shocked, shocked I tell you that FRC has been lised by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Senator Harry Reid And Republicans Fuck Up And Fuck Over Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal Well kids it didn't take me long tonight after getting in from work afte midnight to decide what to post about for Friday. Didn't even have to take a look at oth (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Conservatives Up In Arms Over Mapplethorpe Like Exhibit At The Smithsonian Institution Not since the early 1990's when photographer (pictured left in a self-portrait) More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: TSA Pat Downs Are Part Of The Homosexual Agenda So Says Eugene Delgaudio Of Virginia Just as the government is finding out with the latest onslaught of Wikileaks you really need to be careful of what you email particularly when it shows just w (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: It’s Okay To Be A Homosexual As Long As You Don’t Act Like A Homosexual Say Mormons Same-sex attraction is not inherently sinful, according to a new policy change by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.In a new edition of it (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: NBC-TV Affliate KETK In Tyler Texas Asks About The Homosexual Influence In America Yep pardners time to saddle up de ponies, put on the straps and mosey on down to Tyler Texas as KETK-TV and it's "news partner" radio station KTBB has unoffici (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Clint McCance Of The Midland School District Board Says All Queers Should Commit Suicide As regular readers know I don't often "run with the pack" of other LGBT bloggers and websites but the following is such an outrage I'm adding my blog to spotl (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Faggots Will Raise Faggots .... Same Bullshit Different Researcher They Just Don't Give Up Comes word of yet another dumb ass anti-gay bastard who has done research which shows children of gays will (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Carl Paladino The Guberitorial Tea Baggers And Republican Gift To New York Democrats There have and are any number of dumbbuggeries which the Republicans have put up for election from George Dubya to Sarah Palin to "I am not a witch" Christine O' (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Many Wonder If Anti-Gay Skinhead Activity On The Rise In The Nation's Midwestern States This week WLWT-TV in Cincinnati, Ohio did a report about a recent rise in crime in the "t (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Family Research Council "Let Faggots Serve Openly And Everyone Will Get AIDS" I have very rarely over the past three years of blogging put a spotlight on FRC and others of the same ilk as some other bloggers and websites do.Not that I'm (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: If God Didn't Create Anal Sex Then On The Seventh Day Why Did He Say "I'm Buggered" (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: As Elton John Said "The BITCH Is Back !" For those of you who haven't heard (all two of you) the BITCH from decades past has come back to spread more of her homophobic bullshit, this ti (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Contractor Fired After Car Wash Attendent Writes Homophobic Graffiti On Car Roof According to the Oxford Mail, Owne (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: FRC's Tony Perkins Just Loves RI The Family Research Council praised Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri's veto of a set of measures that would have expanded that state's existing hate crimes registry beyond sex-related "orient (More) |
Lyndon Evans Wrote: Sumbuddy Watches Too Much "True Blood" ! Okay so we've all seen so-called former gays (ever notice there are no former lesbians or bis) who have websites and expound how great, wonderful and complete their life is now that they have accepted the High and Mighty and are no longer gay ? (More) |