jasebrighton Wrote: US House Gives Backing To Cut Aid To Homophobic Countries
    It’s a move that many surprise many, however a  US House committee has approved a special measure which would discourage aid to homophobic countries like Uganda. The amendment to the House Financial Services Committee bill (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: Glee Goes Up The Gary Glitter!
  Its supposedly the gayest gay friendly comedy on mainstream American TV,  even though the Fox Network, has tried to de-gay the show and force on a more religious tone to the show.  But now, Glee,  has gone one step further!& (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: NOH8 Aaron Carter has some hate!
Former druggie and singer supports homophobic behaviour. The once mega popular singer and brother of Backstreet’s Nick Carter,  has proved yet again that he’s a hypocrite and really will do anything to get publicity. last year he did some st (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: "STR8 Against H8" 2011 Charity Calendar
  A group whose  ‘In your face’ attitude and language  offends many both in and out of the gay community,  the group that famously trashed the whole ‘It gets better’ video collection for The Trevor Project as fucking shit. (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: America's gayest city forces out homophobic Police Chief
  The sign outside Palm Springs proudly welcomes visitors to a "two-time winner of the Best Gay Destination in the World Award", and tourist information leaflets proclaim it "America's Gayest City". However, it seems n (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: US passports forms get more inclusive!
  Riding high on the momentum of gay rights since the  "don't ask, don't tell," repeal,  one hears the USA State Department has taken on a new more inclusive language in US passports issued for the first time.   (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: Shameless - USA style!
The gay face of Shameless USA style!This is the face of the very cute Cameron MonagahanNow,  perhaps he isn’t a household name yet,  you may not have heard of him,  but the chances are,  you will do very soon.   Cameron is gonna be a huge sta (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: Good Bye 2010 - here comes 2011
Happy New Year Well flipping heck,  here we are boys and ladyboys in another year already,  it's  w (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: My Beach Buddies!
I had some friends join me on the beach today!  They were a little playful, a bit noisy at times,  but on the whole very friendly.More)
jasebrighton Wrote: The Worst Service In America Award - American Eagle Outfitters!
Some of you know I've been having a spot of bother with an online clothing order with American Eagle.  26 Emails later, I'm still having a bit of a problem with the buggers, it seems they don't like gay Brits and don't wanna take our money.  Never ha (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: America Legalises Sexual Abuse
There's shock and wonder as the strange news sweeps the world that the government has  legalised sexual molestation in America!Yes,  you can now legally be sexually molested in the States,  it matters not if you are 13 or 30, male or female, bl (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: Extraordinary Failure......
There was a gentle breeze,  the ocean was so calm and just a few little tiny white fluffy clouds dawdled their way across the light clear blue sky today,   it was so pretty.   Yet,  as I lay there, tears slipped silently from my eyes and trickled slo (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: Boyz on da beach....
Bloody sand,     it get’s everywhere,  seriously,  it does!      I’ve just run my fingers through my hair and what felt like half a ton of sand came out,  which is obviously an exaggeration,   I don’t have enough hair to hide half a ton of sand i (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: Looking on the bright side......
My blogging pal Nelo  went for a job the other day,  well it was the other week now,   sadly  the door of that particular opportunity slammed shut in his face yesterday when he received the rejection letter.     I'm sorry to hear that Nelo,   (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: Boat's 'n' Boy's!
It’s the weekend,  the boat show is on,  the fashion show was on, it’s Halloween   and the beach and boardwalk are pretty darn full down here in Fort Lauderdale.     Yes my friends,   it seems that a shed load  of America’s beautiful people and equal (More)
jasebrighton Wrote: A Brit's View Of The American Midterm Elections
There’s only a matter of hours to go in this hotly contested midterm elections across America and who knows what the outcome is really going to be, but at least one thing is certain, the commercials will go back to normal! I’m shocked at the (More)