What’s that? You wish your OutLoudBlogs.com blog was mobile friendly?

OK, presto it’s done!

Don’t believe me?  Well mosey on over to your blog from any mobile device and check it out. For reals? Yes, for reals.

You may notice the menu button is somewhat obscured and the real estate at the top is all bunched together from the admin bar across the top of the community, but we’re working to fix that.

Note: The default setting are swell and already activated for you blog, so there’s no need to do any customization.

But, if you’re the adventurous type then customize the appearance of your mobile user experience from your Dashboard -> Settings -> WPTouch

Once there you can customize many settings including your mobile blog’s site title, what categories are displayed in the menu, whether or not to use calendar icons or thumbnail images for your post display.  There’s even an option to earn money using your AdSsense ID.